Int J Phys Ther Rehabil,  2: IJPTR-110DOI: Can recreation Exist in Healthcare? Recreational Therapy and Its ProfessionalizationNaomi Yoshioka Full Text | PDF |
Int J Phys Ther Rehabil,  2: IJPTR-111DOI: Article: An Assessment of Bamboo as a Potential Low-Cost Material for Exoskeleton Design in Normal WalkingKischa S. Reed* and Peter N. Kalu Abstract | Full Text | PDF |
Int J Phys Ther Rehabil,  2: IJPTR-112DOI: Article: Reproducibility of Lower Strength Tests Using a New Portable Dynamometer; Measurement Comparisons with a Non-Portable DynamometerKonstantinos Papadopoulos* and Dimitris Stasinopoulos Abstract | Full Text | PDF |
Int J Phys Ther Rehabil,  2: IJPTR-113DOI: Study: Efficacy of Trigger Points Mesotherapy for the Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain: A Short Term Retrospective StudyTeresa Paolucci*, Giulia Piccinini, Pompilu Dan Trifan, Federico Zangrando and Vincenzo Maria Saraceni Abstract | Full Text | PDF |
Int J Phys Ther Rehabil,  2: IJPTR-114DOI: Article: Is Passive Mobilization Robot-Assisted Therapy Effective in Upper Limb Motor Recovery in Patients with Acquired Brain Injury? A Randomized Crossover TrialMontecchi Maria Giulia*, Magnanini Francesca, Tettamanzi Simone, Volta Barbara, Pederzini Erica and Lombardi Francesco Abstract | Full Text | PDF |
Int J Phys Ther Rehabil,  2: IJPTR-115DOI: Article: Effect of Complex Training Program on Physical Fitness, Derivatives Reactive Oxygen Metabolite and Biological Antioxidant Potential Levels of Adolescents with Intellectual DisabilitiesC. G. Kim and J. S. Lee* Abstract | Full Text | PDF |
Int J Phys Ther Rehabil,  2: IJPTR-116DOI: Article: Whole-Body Vibration Training Improves Muscle and Physical Performance in Community Dwelling with Sarcopenia: A Randomized Controlled TrialNing Wei*, Shamay SM Ng, Gabriel YF Ng, Ruby SY Lee, Mary CK Lau, Marco YC Pang Abstract | Full Text | PDF |
Int J Phys Ther Rehabil,  2: IJPTR-117DOI: Article: Scapular Dyskinesis and Work-Related Pain in Office Workers-A Pilot StudyDepreli O, Ender Angın*, Yatar I.G., Kirmizigil B. and Malkoc M. Abstract | Full Text | PDF |
Int J Phys Ther Rehabil,  2: IJPTR-118DOI: Study: Aquatic Therapy after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery: A Case Study on Underwater Gait Analysis using Inertial and Magnetic SensorsMatteo Cortesi, Andrea Giovanardi, Silvia Fantozzi, Davide Borra and Giorgio Gatta* Abstract | Full Text | PDF |