International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices Volume 7 (2020), Article ID 7:IJNCP-321, 6 pages
Research Article
Clinical Nurse Educators' Experiences on Instructing Student Nurses With Disabilities (SWD's) in the Clinical Arena

Anita Jennings*, Paula Crawford-Dickinson and Epstein I

Centre for Health Sciences, Sally Horsfall Eaton School of Nursing, George Brown College, Toronto, ON M5R 1M3, Canada
Prof. Anita Jennings, Centre for Health Sciences, Sally Horsfall Eaton School of Nursing, George Brown College, Toronto, ON M5R 1M3, Canada; E-mail:
28 January 2020; 03 March 2020; 05 March 2020
Jennings A, Crawford P, Epstein I (2020) Clinical Nurse Educators' Experiences on Instructing Student Nurses With Disabilities (SWD's) in the Clinical Arena. Int J Nurs Clin Pract 7: 321. doi:


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