International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices Volume 5 (2018), Article ID 5:IJNCP-297, 13 pages
Research Article
The Lived Experiences of Undergraduate Nursing Students Learning Drug Dosage Calculation

Marie-Bernard Lazare

3002 SW Buena Vista Drive, Palm City, Florida 34990, USA
Dr. Marie-Bernard Lazare, PhD, MSEd, MSNEd, RN 3002 SW Buena Vista Drive, Palm City, Florida 34990, Tel: (772) 631-5605; E-mail:
03 June 2018; 13 September 2018; 15 September 2018
Lazare MB (2018) The Lived Experiences of Undergraduate Nursing Students Learning Drug Dosage Calculation. Int J Nurs Clin Pract 5: 297. doi:


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