International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices Volume 4 (2017), Article ID 4:IJNCP-269, 5 pages
Research Article
Opinions of Intensive Care Nurses: Traditional or Disposable Wipes Bed Bath? A Quasi-Qualitative and Cost Analysis Study

Funda Büyükyılmaz1* and Merdiye Şendir2

1Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
2Faculty of Nursing, SağlıkBilimleri University, Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Funda Büyükyılmaz, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey, Tel: +90 212 440 00 00 (27104); E-mail:
16 November 2017; 27 December 2017; 29 December 2017
Büyükyılmaz F, Şendir M (2017) Opinions of Intensive Care Nurses: Traditional or Disposable Wipes Bed Bath? A Quasi-Qualitative and Cost Analysis Study. Int J Nurs Clin Pract 4: 269. doi:
This work was supported by Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Istanbul University. Project number: 49006".


Background: This study is to compare the traditional basin with the disposable washcloths bed bath in terms of two outcomes: ICU nurses’ satisfaction/preference and cost analysis.
Methods: This is a quasi-qualitative and descriptive study was performed in three ICUs (orthopaedic, neurosurgery, and general surgical) at a university hospital. The sample consisted of 41 ICU nurses agreed to participate in the study. The ICU nurses used a visual analogue scale to respond to the questions about the two types of bed-baths. The researchers conducted interviews with ICU nurses about the two bedbath practices based on open-ended questions. The interview, lasting for 20-30 minutes, was administered during a rest period. A cost analysis was calculated by researchers based on equipment and workload.
Results: The application time, workload of nurses, and cost analysis scores favoured the disposable bedbath method (p≤0.05). The traditional bed-bath application scored higher than the disposable washcloth application in parameters (performing, providing communication to the patient, patient feedback, cleanliness, integrity, and softness of skin) (p≤0.01).
ICU nurses reported that the three most important parameters that affect the preference for the traditional bed-bath application are communication with patients, patient satisfaction feedback, and the cleanness and integrity of skin.
Conclusion: Disposable bed-bath method was performed less time, less workload of nurses, and cost effective than traditional method. Furthermore the ICU nurses preferred the traditional bed bath application. Researchers determined that a bridge between cultural habits and nursing science should be established.