International Journal of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Volume 1 (2015), Article ID 1:IJPTR-106, 4 pages
Research Article
Validity and Reliability of an Instrument to Assess the Posterior Scapular Displacement

Valéria Mayaly Alves de Oliveira1, Natália Barros Beltrão2,3, Muana Hiandra Pereira dos Passos1, Juliana Pereira da Silva4, Ana Carolina Rodarti Pitangui1,4 and Rodrigo Cappato de Araújo1,2,4*

1Postgraduate Program in Hebiatria, University of Pernambuco (UPE), Recife (PE), Brazil
2School of Physical Education, University of Pernambuco (UPE), Recife (PE), Brazil
3Department of Physical Education, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), Recife (PE), Brazil
4Department of Physical Therapy, University of Pernambuco (UPE), Petrolina (PE), Brazil
Rodrigo Cappato de Araújo, University of Pernambuco, Campus Petrolina, BR 203 Km 2 S/N, Vila Eduardo, 56300-000-Petrolina, PEBrasil; E-mail:
18 February 2015; 16 July 2015; 18 July 2015
Oliveira VMA, Beltrão NB,Passos MHP, Silva JP, Pitangui ACR, et al. (2015) Validity and Reliability of an Instrument to Assess the Posterior Scapular Displacement. Int J Phys Ther Rehab 1: 106. doi:


Background: Evaluate the reliability, sensitivity and specificity of the linear scapulommeter, to allow assessment of the posterior scapular displacement.
Method: Fifty physically active subjects from both genders composed the sample. All the subjects took part in two scapular dyskinesis assessments: 1) Observational method, in which two independent evaluators categorized the scapular movement and, then, determined the presence or absence of scapular dyskinesis; 2) Scapulommeter method, which two others evaluators measured independently the posterior scapular displacement using the linear scapulommeter. This measurement was performed in two different sessions, with three days apart. Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and the Standard Error of Measurements (SEM) were used to assess scapulommeter reliability. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was used to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity.
Results: The scapulommeter showed excellent levels of intrarater (ICC≥ 0.89) and interrater (ICC ≥ 0.90) reliability. The results of the ROC curve showed excellent levels of sensitivity (96.15%) and specificity (95.83%) for 1.5 cm cut-off (p<0.001), being this performance higher than the pre-set cut-off (2.0 cm).
Conclusion: The scapulommeter is a valid and reliable method that shows excellent levels of reliability, sensitivity and specificity, and can be used to assess posterior scapular displacement.