International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Procedures Volume 1 (2016), Article ID 1:IJSSP-106, 4 pages
Review Article
Alkaptonuria and Ochronosis

Jozef Rovenský1*, Richard Imrich2 and Tibor Urbánek1

1National Institute of Rheumatic Disease, Piestany, Slovakia
2Biomedical Research Centre, Bratislava, Slovakia
Prof. Jozef Rovenský, National Institute of Rheumatic Disease, Piestany, Slovakia; E-mail:
28 May 2016; 28 July 2016; 30 July 2016
Rovenský J, Imrich R, Urbánek T (2016) Alkaptonuria and Ochronosis. Int J Surg Surgical Proced 1: 106. doi:


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