International Journal of Global Social Work Volume 3 (2020), Article ID 3:IJGSW-114, 3 pages
Review Article
Brief Article: Complementary Medicine - Traditional Medicine

Sabine Bährer-Kohler

1Invited Professor for Mental Health/ Mental Health & Social Determinants at Tropical Neurology and Neuroinfection Master, InternationalUniversity of Catalonia (UIC), Barcelona, Spain
2Managing Director, Dr. Bährer-Kohler& Partners, Switzerland
3President, Association for Mental Health- Global Mental Health, Switzerland
4Chair, Houses of Health, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Sabine Bährer-Kohler, Mental Health & Social, Determinants at Tropical Neurology and Neuroinfection Master, International University of Catalonia (UIC), Barcelona, Spain, Tel: +41 (0) 61 5513059; E-mail:
17 November 2020; 23 November 2020; 25 November 2020
Bährer-Kohler S (2020) Brief Article: Complementary Medicine - Traditional medicine. Int J Global Soc Work 3: 114. doi:


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