International Journal of Gynecology & Clinical Practices Volume 4 (2017), Article ID 4:IJGCP-126, 4 pages
Original Article
A New Technique for Minimizing Cervical Trauma and Enhancing Surgical Performance in Gynecological Procedures Requiring Cervical Dilatation

Ayman S. Dawood1,* and Mohamed A. Raslan2

1Lecturer of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tanta University, Egypt
2Assistant Lecturer of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tanta University, Egypt
Dr. Ayman Shehata Dawood, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine,Tanta University, Tanta-31111, Egypt; E-mail:
14 December 2016; 07 February 2017; 09 February 2017
Dawood AS, Raslan MA (2017) A New Technique for Minimizing Cervical Trauma and Enhancing Surgical Performance in Gynecological Procedures Requiring Cervical Dilatation. Int J Gynecol Clin Pract 4: 126. doi:


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