International Journal of Earth & Environmental Sciences Volume 6 (2021), Article ID 6:IJEES-177, 10 pages
Original Article
The Design of Geotechnical Structures Using Numerical Methods- Shear Parameter Reduction Including Structural Elements

Hauke Jürgens* and Sascha Henke

Department of Geotechnics, Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany
Hauke Jürgens, Department of Geotechnics, Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany, Tel: +49 (0)40 6541 3313; E-mail:
26 January 2021; 16 March 2021; 18 March 2021
Jürgens H, Henke S (2021) The Design of Geotechnical Structures Using Numerical Methods-Shear Parameter Reduction Including Structural Elements. Int J Earth Environ Sci 6: 177. doi:


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