International Journal of Community & Family Medicine Volume 2 (2017), Article ID 2:IJCFM-124, 8 pages
Research Article
Officials Reflections about Health Promoting Factors among Newly Arrivals - An Introductory Analysis

Heidi Carlerby1* and Mats Persson2

1Department of Health Sciences, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
2Headquarters, Policy and Plans Department, Swedish Armed Forces, Sweden
Dr. Heidi Carlerby, Department of Health Sciences, Mid Sweden University, Sweden; E-mail:
14 December 2016; 11 February 2017; 13 February 2017
Carlerby H, Persson M (2017) Officials Reflections about Health Promoting Factors among Newly Arrivals - An Introductory Analysis. Int J Community Fam Med 2: 124. doi:
This study was partly funded by Västernorrland County Administrative Board according to grant number 851-5587-15 assigned to Heidi Carlerby, Mid Sweden University, Department of Health Sciences.


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