International Journal of Community & Family Medicine Volume 1 (2016), Article ID 1:IJCFM-116, 2 pages
Person-first Language Aspects of Communication in Health and Mental Health Settings

Sabine Bährer-Kohler

Dr. Bährer-Kohler & Partners, Peter-Merian-Str. 58, PO BOX 3244, 4002 Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Sabine Bährer-Kohler, Dr. Bährer-Kohler & Partners, Peter-Merian-Str. 58, PO BOX 3244, 4002 Basel, Switzerland; E-mail:
15 September 2016; 26 September 2016; 28 September 2016
Bährer-Kohler S (2016) Person-first Language Aspects of Communication in Health and Mental Health Settings. Int J Community Fam Med 1: 116. doi:


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