International Journal of Psychology & Behavior Analysis Volume 4 (2018), Article ID 4:IJPBA-152, 16 pages
Research Article
The Effectiveness of Early Intensive Intervention in Modifying the Frequency of Repetitive Behavior for Children with ASD in Egypt

Eid G. Abo Hamza*and Ahmed A. Helal

Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Education, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
Dr. Eid G. Abo Hamza, Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Education, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt; E-mail:
27 July 2018; 20 October 2018; 22 October 2018
Abo Hamza EG, Helal AA (2018) The Effectiveness of Early Intensive Intervention in Modifying the Frequency of Repetitive Behavior for Children with ASD in Egypt. Int J Psychol Behav Anal 4: 152. doi:


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