Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) that has no cure at present. Recently, medical education is the best tool to prevent the infection. The level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the attitudes toward patients are crucial factors in eradicating the disease.
Methods: A cross-sectional study has been conducted for a period of two months and 128 undergraduate female students from the laboratory science, physical therapy, radiology and general nursing departmentin the College of Applied Medical Sciences at Taif University participated in the study. The questionnaire that entitles ‘HIV/AIDS Campus Survey’consisted of three parts aimed to assess student’s scientific knowledge, transmission awareness and attitude with 29 different statements.
Results: the survey results showed that more than half of the participantsdid not know the relation between AIDS and HIV and low awareness level toward the modes of HIV transmission was observed. Negative attitudetowards HIV/AIDS personswas seen in the majority of participants. Conclusion: this study is the first of its kind to be conducted at Taif University,and brought into limelight some important issues in relation to AIDS. Studyconcludedthat these students need to be more aware about HIV transmission modes and protection methods, whichcan be achieved byenhancing their knowledge about HIV.