International Journal of Earth & Environmental Sciences Volume 2 (2017), Article ID 2:IJEES-125, 7 pages
Original Article
Temporal Variations of Global Fallout-Derived Plutonium and 137Cs in River Water in Japan

Katsumi Hirose1* and Michio Aoyama2

1Department of Materials and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University, 7-1 Kioicho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 102-8554, Japan
2Institute of Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima University, 1 Kanayagawa, Fukushima 960-1296, Japan
Prof. Katsumi Hirose, Department of Materials and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University, 7-1 Kioicho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 102-8554, Japan; E-mail:
02 November 2016; 16 January 2017; 18 January 2017
Hirose K, Aoyama M (2017) Temporal variations of global falloutderived plutonium and 137Cs in river water in Japan. Int J Earth Environ Sci 2: 125. doi:
This research is supported by funding from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, Japan..


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