Table 5: Classification accuracy and OOD detection AUROC. ROT is the rotation augmentation; PRED means rot predictor; and IN-D means indistribution (CIFAR-10 in this experiment).
Method ROT PRED JSD Accuracy IN-D OOD AUROC between CIFAR-10 and
SVHN LSUN ImageNet CIFAR-100 nterp
SimCLR(CSI[6] ) - - 99.8 90.3 93.3 89.2 79.3
SimCLRs - - - 89.9 86.3 89.7 88.0 85.5 81.0
SimCLRs - - 92.2 97.4 91.0 91.5 90.1 82.1
SimCLRs - 90.9 98.9 89.7 92.8 89.5 79.3
SimCLRs(ours) 92.3 98.0 92.3 93.4 90.8 82.8
SimSiam - - - 91.4 91.4 91.7 90.5 87.7 81.9
SimSiam - - 91.9 97.4 91.0 91.4 89.8 82.9
SimSiam - 89.9 99.1 89.1 92.3 88.9 78.7
SimSiam(ours) 92.3 99.2 92.3 93.4 90.1 81.5