Table 3: Frequency distribution of responses by study participants to 11 items related to the level of confidence (question 12) in using the CR imaging system (frequencies missing for items a–k).
Use Characteristics Percent (Number)
Very High High Moderate Low Very Low
a. Using computers 41.4 (29) 45.7 (32) 10.0 (7) 2.9 (2)
b. Using the CR IP in positioning the patient and x-ray parameters in the radiography room 61.4 (43) 30.0 (21) 4.3 (3) 4.3 (3)
c. Using the CR reader to process the IP 60.9 (42) 28.9 (20) 5.8 (4) 4.3 (3)
d. Using the CR system in general 66.2 (45) 26.5 (18) 4.4 (3) 1.5 (1) 1.5 (1)
e. Using the EI to reduce radiation dose 37.1 (26) 34.3 (24) 20.0 (14) 8.3 (6)
f. To assess CR image quality 44.3 (31) 42.9 (30) 10.0 (7) 2.9 (2)
g. Using the vendor recommended EI values for different body parts/views 37.1 (26) 37.1 (26) 20.0 (14) 5.7 (4)
h. Using the EI as part of a QC program 15.7 (11) 31.4 (22) 25.7 (18) 17.1 (12) 10 (7)
i. Using the CR workstation hardware (e.g., mouse) 70.0 (49) 25.7 (18) 2.9 (2) 1.4 (1)
j. Using the CR workstation software to perform processing on the image such as windowing, annotation, etc. 66.7 (46) 26.1 (18) 5.8 (4) 1.5 (1)
k. Using the software to process QC tests (e.g. dark noise, erasure thoroughness, spatial accuracy, and the IP Exposure Uniformity, reject analysis) results 5.9 (4) 16.4 (11) 26.9 (18) 29.8 (20) 20.9 (14)