Table 1: Landmarks, reference planes and facial lines used for this study.
Landmarks Porion (Po) Highest point on roof of external auditory meatus
Orbitale (Or) Deepest point on infraorbital margin
Nasion (Na) Most posterior point on curvature between frontal bone and nasal bone in midsagittal plane
Opisthion (Op) Most posterior point on posterior margin of foramen magnum
Cdsup Most superior point of condyle
Cdlat Most lateral point of condyle
Cdpost Most posterior point of condyle
Goinf Most inferior point of gonion area
Golat Most lateral point of gonion area
Gopost Most posterior point of gonion area
Me Most inferior point on symphysis of mandible
Reference planes Horizontal plane A plane constructed by right Po, right Or and left Or
Midsagittal plane A plane perpendicular to the horizontal reference plane and passing through Na and Op
Coronal plane A Plane perpendicular to midsagittal and the horizontal planes and passing through Op
Facial lines Ramal height line LineCdsup-Goinf
Ramal lateral line Line Cdlat-Golat
Ramal posterior line LineCdpost-Gopost
Mandibular body line Line Gopost-Me