Table 4: Between Groups Effects after 4 weeks of intervention of the 3 groups.
VAS: Visual Analogue Scale; NDI: Neck Disability Index; Flex: Flexion, deg.: degrees; Ext: Extension; RR: Right Rotation; LR: Left Rotation; RLF: Right Lateral Flexion; LLF: Left Lateral Flexion; CI: Confidence interval; p: probability value. *Data are meanĀ± SD, P-Value < 0.05 indicate statistical significance.
Outcome GI Versus GII GI Versus GIII GII Versus GIII Effect Size
MD (99% CI) P-Value MD (99% CI) P-Value MD (99% CI) P-Value
NDI 11.33 (6.35, 16.32) 0.0001 4.27 (-0.72, 9.25) 0.12 -7.07 (-12.05, -2.08) 0.003 0.44
VAS (mm) 3.63 (2.51, 4.76) 0.0001 1.44 (0.31, 2.57) 0.008 -2.19 (-3.32, -1.07) 0.0001 0.61
Flex (deg.) -9.07 (-12.13, -6.01) 0.0001 2.33 (0.88, 5.55) 0.024 6.73(-3.51,9.95) 0.0001 0.59
Ext.(deg.) -15.8 (-21.23, -10.38) 0.0001 -5.07 (-10.49, 0.36) 0.07 -10.73 (5.31, 16.16) 0.0001 0.57
RR (deg.) -17.2 (-23.08, -11.32) 0.0001 -5.93 (-11.82, -0.05) 0.047 11.27 (5.38, 17.15) 0.0001 0.57
LR (deg.) -17.47 (-23.33, -11.6) 0.0001 -6.33 (-12.2, -0.47) 0.03 11.13 (5.27, 16.99) 0.0001 0.57
RLF (deg.) -9.53 (-13.98, -5.09) 0.0001 -1.73 (-6.18,2.71) 0.99 7.8 (3.36, 12.25) 0.0002 0.44
LLF (deg.) -9.13 (-13.55, -4.72) 0.0001 -1.13 (-5.55,3.28) 0.99 8.0 (3.59, 12.41) 0.0001 0.43