Table 3: Clinical Characteristics of Subjects after 4 weeks of intervention (N=45)*.
VAS: Visual Analogue Scale; NDI: Neck Disability Index; Flex: Flexion, deg.: degrees; Ext: Extension; RR: Right Rotation; LR: Left Rotation; RLF: Right Lateral Flexion; LLF: Left Lateral Flexion; F: fisher test; P: probability value. *Data are mean± SD, P-Value < 0.05 indicate statistical significance.
Characteristics Group I (n=15) Group II (n=15) Group III (n=15) F-Value P Value
NDI 17.8±5.53 6.47±5.38 13.53±5.5 16.41 0.0001
VAS (mm) 56.2±12.46 19.87±11.78 41.8±12.89 32.76 0.0001
Flex (deg.) 38.47±3.74 47.53±2.72 40.80±3.53 25.55 0.0001
Ext. (deg.) 47.73±5.61 63.53±5.91 52.8±6.33 27.5 0.0001
RR (deg.) 58.33±7.58 75.53±4.34 64.27±6.99 27.42 0.0001
LR (deg.) 58.13±7.89 75.6±3.94 64.47±6.83 28.26 0.0001
RLF (deg.) 31.87±5.66 41.4±3.62 33.6±5.14 16.23 0.0001
LLF (deg.) 32.27±5.5 41.4±3.74 33.4±5.12 15.83 0.0001