Table 1: Characteristics of patients and orthosis on admission.
KAFO, Knee-ankle-foot orthosis; AFO, ankle-foot orthosis; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage; MMSE, Mini-mental state examination; BRS, Brunnstrom stage; FIM, functional independence measure, FAC, Functional ambulation classification.
I. No orthosis N=626 II. AFO N=194 III. KAFO N=220 P value Steel‒Dwass test P < .05
Age years old 69 (13-94) 64 (12-90) 66.5 (30-92) .0002 I versus II
Gender male/female 378 / 248 132 /62 139 /81 .1476
Etiology hemorrhage/infarction/ SAH 214/333/79 79/106/9 109/100/11 <.0001
Lesion side right/left/both 260/270/96 79/106/9 98/107/15 .0008
Infratentorial lesion, N 130 (20.8) 32 (16.5) 17 (7.7) <.0001
Duration from the onset days 31 (7-220) 29.5 (10-124) 32.5 (10-167) .1957
MMSE (/30) on admission 25 (0-30) 26 (0-30) 21 (0-30) <.0001 I, II versus II
Neglect on admission, N 153 (24.4) 59 (30.4) 132 (60.0) <.0001
Aphasia on admission, N 213(34.0) 70 (35.1) 111 (50.5) <.0001
BRS on admission (I/II/III/IV/V/VI-) 27/15/21/46/249/268 16/36/45/52/26/19 85/65/34/24/12/0 <.0001
FIM score on admission/126 76(18-126) 61(18-117) 36 (18-114) <.0001 I versus II, III II versus III
FIM score at discharge/126 104(18-126) 99 (18-126) 64 (18-126) <.0001 I versus III II versus III
Length of stay days 47(2-298) 78 (5-181) 104 (3-190) <.0001 I versus II, III II versus III
FIM gain 16 (-25-85) 29 (-1-89) 23 (-20-86) <.0001 I versus II, III II versus III
FIM efficiency 0.34 (-0.76-3) 0.40 (-0.02-1.16) 0.27 (-0.27-1.07) <.0001 I versus III II versus III
FAC >=4, N 436 (66.7) 129 (66.5) 95 (43.2) <.0001
Return home, N 499 (79.7) 162 (83.5) 136 (61.8) .0002