Table 5: Comparison of activity and work recommendation total scores by characteristics of surveyed physicians (n=530).
Activity recommendation total score Work recommendation total score
Coefficient p-value Coefficient p-value
Age in years 0.016 0.203 -0.005 0.667
Experience in years -0.374 0.012 0.038 0.798
Interest in low back pain 0.363 <0.001 0.177 0.059
Special education in low back pain -0.296 0.001 -0.396 <0.001
Personal history of low back pain 0.127 0.275 -0.112 0.333
Personal experience of activity limitations -0.121 0.239 -0.056 0.582
HC-PAIRS scores 0.005 0.440 0.024 <0.001
Severity of symptoms total score 0.461 <0.001 0.359 <0.001
Severity of pathology total score 0.211 <0.001 0.311 <0.001
Specialty -0.442 0.119 -2.28 <0.001