Table 5: Effect of spent hop extract on glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in non-diabetic (healthy) rats and STZ-diabetic rats.
Data are given as mean ± SD; n=9-20 animals.
aStatistical significance vs. non-diabetic rats, estimated with the post-hoc multiple comparisons Tukey's test following one-way ANOVA; P< 0.01.
For more experimental and statistical details see ‘Materials and methods’.
week 4 week 10 week 22
non-diabetic rats n=20 4.3±0.2 4.5±0.2 4.8±0.3
STZ-diabetic rats n=9 10.4±1.0a 9.9±0.8a 10.3±2.0a
STZ-diabetic rats with extract n=9 10.3±1.5a 11.2±1.2a 10.4±0.9a