Table 1: Frequency of pharmacist's activities and behaviour of the clients.
Items Response frequency n (%)
Total number of visitors 426
Average number of client per day 142
Average dispensing time 4 Minutes
Number of Children below 12 years of age and with prescription 46 (1.8%)
Clients with a prescription (including children) 106 (25%)
Clients without a prescription and asking for prescription drugs:
- Diagnosed and given prescription drugs
- Advised to consult a physician:
- Accepted advice
- Rejected advice
83 (19.4%)
28 (6.6%)
55 (13%)
33 (7.7%)
22 (5.2%)
Clients asking for OTC drugs 160 (37.5%)
Clients seeking general Medical information 30 (7%)
Individuals asking for hygiene & health products 47 (11%)