Table 1: Continuous versus Intermittent Enteral Feeding Protocal for Low Risk Group.
Continuous (n=35) Intermittent (n=27) P-value
Gender Male 21(60.0%) 16(59.3%) 0.953
Female 14(40.0%) 11(40.7%)
Age Group <1 year 18(51.4%) 13(48.1%) 0.798
1-5 years 13(37.1%) 10(37.0%) 0.993
>5 years 4(11.4%) 4(14.8%) 0.693
Reach Full Feed 2-3 days 23(65.7%) 10(37.0%) *0.025
4-5 days 9(25.7%) 6(22.2%) 0.750
>6 days 3(8.6%) 0(0.0%) 0.119
Transfer to the ward 0(0.0%) 11(40.7%)
Feeding Interruption 13(37.1%) 9(33.3%) 0.795
No. of days Interruption 2.08±1.82 1.75±0.75 0.330
Stool Frequency/ Consistency 0 1(2.9%) 0(0.0%) 0.376
1-3 Formed 7(20.0%) 10(37.0%) 0.136
1-3 Semi Loose 17(48.6%) 12(44.4%) 0.745
3-5 Formed 4(11.4%) 2(7.4%) 0.595
3-5 Semi Loose 2(5.7%) 2(7.4%) 0.788
>6 Formed 2(5.7%) 1(3.7%) 0.715
>6 Semi Loose 1(2.9%) 0(0.0%) 0.376
Medications Anti-reflux Medication 25(71.4%) 16(59.3%) 0.315
Other Medication 10(28.6%) 11(40.7%)
Diagnosis GERD 5(14.3%) 2(7.4%) 0.396
Without GRED 30(85.7%) 25(92.6%)