Table 2: Prediction of Burnout.
*p< .05; **p< .01.
R2(R2Aj.) ΔR2 ΔF F β t IT VIF
Block 1 .17 (.14) .15 7.45** (8, 209) 5.37**
RSQ: Errors -.18 -1.86 .41 2.45
RSQ: Sports career .05 0.54 .45 2.21
RSQ: Poor sport condition .07 0.47 .49 2.06
RSQ: Family and pers. life .22 2.80** .64 1.57
RSQ: Conflicts .25 3.20** .64 1.56
Block 2 .21 (.18) .04 5.59** (10, 207) 5.61**
PSCAS: Threat .14 2.11* .89 1.13
PSCAS: Challenge -.16 -2.43* .89 1.13
Block 3 .24 (.20) .03 3.69* (12, 205) 5.41**
PSCAS: Coping -.17 -2.24* .65 1.54
PSCAS: Control -.06 -0.81 .80 1.25
Block 4 .30 (.24) .06 3.42** (17, 200) 5.05**
SEQ: Anxiety -.04 -0.35 .36 2.78
SEQ: Dejection -.17 -1.16 .16 6.11
SEQ: Excitement .04 0.40 .37 2.73
SEQ: Anger .34 2.16* .14 6.97
SEQ: Happiness -.26 -2.75** .38 2.63