Table 3: Depression and caregivers’ socio-demographic factors.
*Significant: p≤0.05.
Socio-demographic factors Depression relating to care-giving
Factors Groups Mean P*
Gender Male 1.1346 0.001
Female 0.6947
Economic status Middle Class 0.7432 0.011
Upper Class 1.1833
Employment Employed 0.8798 0.323
Unemployed 0.7695
Age 20-30 0.7106 0.002
30-40 1.1220
40-50 0.5783
50-60 0.8901
60+ 0.4276
Education Non-High School Graduates 0.9017 0.67
High School Graduates 0.7070
College Graduates 0.8165
Marital status Married 0.8984 0.165
Widowed/Divorced 0.5896
Never Married 0.7711
Hours caregiving per day <5 0.9748 0.086
5-10 0.7760
>10 0.6756
Relation to patient Daughter/Son 0.9143 0.106
Grandchild 0.7351
Spouse 0.9676
Other 0.5404