Table 2: Differences of repetitive behavior among children with ASD.
Group Assessment Time N Frequency Mean Frequency Sum Z Sig
Positive Negative Positive Negative
Experimental Pre/post 17 0 3.0 0 51.0 2.023 0.05
Experimental Post/follow-up 17 1.50 1.50 25.50 25.5 0 P> .05
Control Post/follow-up 17 3.0 0 51.0 0 2.023 0.05
Group Assessment Time N Frequency Mean Frequency Sum Z Sig
Control Pre 17 5.50 93.50 0 P> .05
Experimental 5.50 93.50
Control Post 17 8.0 136.0 2.611 P < .05
Experimental 3.0 51.0