Table 5b: Descriptive (upper part) and analytical statistics (lower part) of assumed convergent and divergent correlations (n=24) betweenpredictive criteria of job performance and JMT’s exploratory factors; correlations were transformed to Fishers z based on absolute values.
Group Statistics
Assumed correlations N Mean Std. Deviation SE Mean
Fisher's z (absolute values) Convergent 7 0.378 0.047 0.018
Divergent 17 0.085 0.080 0.020
Independent t-test
Equal variances Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F p t df p Mean Difference 95% CI of the Difference
Lower Upper
Fisher's z (absolute values) assumed .830 .372 8.940 22 .000 0.293 0.225 0.360
not assumed 11.081 18.873 .000 0.293 0.237 0.348