Table 4b: Descriptive (upper part) and analytical statistics (lower part) across groups of assumed convergent and divergent correlations (n=80) between theoretical and exploratory factors; correlations were transformed to Fishers z based on absolute values.
Group Statistics
Group Assumed correlations N Mean SD SE Mean
Target (n=3,411) Convergent 11 0.936 0.344 0.104
Divergent 69 0.163 0.130 0.016
Control (n=9,239) Convergent 11 0.936 0.369 0.111
Divergent 69 0.170 0.136 0.016
Independent t-tests
Group Equal variances Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F p t df p Mean Difference 95% CI of the Difference
Lower Upper
Target (n=3,411) assumed 30.266 .000 13.778 78 .000 0.773 0.661 0.885
not assumed 7.375 10.460 .000 0.773 0.541 1.005
Control (n=9,239) assumed 29.012 .000 12.876 78 .000 0.765 0.647 0.884
not assumed 6.812 10.437 .000 0.765 0.516 1.014