Table 2: Exploratory model of the JMT with eight factors for the target group of private managers (N=3,411).
Note. Factor loading <.40 are not shown. Yellow marking: two or three subscales in an exploratory factor, belonging to same theoretical main scale; Light blue marking: single subscale apart from its theoretical main scale.
Denotations for the exploratory factors: (A’) Work structure, (BFG’) Productive behavior, (C’) Stress index, (ad’)Strategic behavior, (E’) Activity, (H’) Tolerance, (I’) Social interest, (J’) Communicative behavior.
Exploratory factors
MT scale A’ BFG’ C’ Ad’ E’ H’ I’ J’
a2 0.75
a3 0.55
c3 0.48
d3 0.54
b1 0.56 0.49
b2 0.51 0.57
f1 0.69 0.44
f2 0.82
g1 0.43
g2 0.44 0.49
g3 0.57
c1 0.61
c2 0.67
b3 0.77
f3 -0.59
a1 0.85
d1 0.85
e1 0.86
e2 0.52 0.48
e3 -0.42 0.61
h2 0.71
h3 0.70
i1 0.81
i2 0.79
h1 0.89
j1 -0.45 0.66
j2 0.81
j3 0.55
i3 0.73
d2 0.56