Table 2: Standardized factor loadings, estimated for Model 2.
Factor/indicator Trait Method
Anxious, easily upset .486 .176 A01_04
(not) Calm, emotionally stable .517 -.284 A01R09
Extraverted, enthusiastic .465 .477 A01_01
(not) Reserved, quiet .495 -.028 A01R06
Dependable, self-disciplined .474 .436 A01_03
(not) Disorganized, careless .439 -.070 A01R08
Open to new experiences, complex .451 .378 A01_05
(not) Conventional, uncreative .441 .018 A01R10
I feel down-hearted and blue -.491 -.186 A09_01
I have crying spells or feel like it -.487 -.012 A09_03
My heart beats faster than usual -.570 .160 A09_09
I get tired for no reason -.590 -.062 A09_10
I am restless and can’t keep still -.617 .098 A09_13
I am more irritable than usual -.589 .107 A09_15
I feel that others would be better off if I were dead -.470 .175 A09_19
I feel (not) hopeful about the future -.323 -.347 A09R14
My life is (not) pretty full -.338 -.454 A09R18
Life satisfaction
Overall life satisfaction .473 .477 A12_01
Study satisfaction .500 .467 A12_02
School satisfaction .559 .326 A12_03
Major field satisfaction .534 .453 A12_04
Teacher satisfaction .652 .333 A12_05
Classmate satisfaction .521 .358 A12_06
Dormitory satisfaction .740 .262 A12_07
Extracurricular activity satisfaction .401 .368 A12_08
Life meaning
Having a system of values and beliefs that guide daily activities .442 .419 A15_01
Having a philosophy of life that helps understand the self .414 .382 A15_02
Feeling like I am living fully .467 .550 A15_03
Feeling to have found a really significant meaning in life .558 .480 A15_04
Having clear goals and aims in life .622 .501 A15_05
Having a sense of direction and purpose in life .575 .531 A15_06