Table 1: Means and standard deviations (N = 6,230) Note. “0, 100” had a score of 0 for “no” and 100 for “yes”.
Scoring M SD
Extraversion 0-100 53.2 22.2 extro
Conscientiousness 0-100 63.6 20.2 consci
Neuroticism 0-100 46.2 19.2 neuro
Openness 0-100 63.7 18.6 open
Depression 0-100 32.8 12.9 depress
Life satisfaction 0-100 59.9 17.2 satis
Life meaning 0-100 61.0 16.9 meaning
Acquiescence 0-100 54.8 6.1 acq
Female 0, 100 56.7 49.5 female
Age years 20.7 2.0 age
Years of study years 1.9 1.0 yr
Family income 0-100 33.9 18.5
Band 1 college 0, 100 19.2 39.4 band1
Band 2 college 0, 100 40.4 49.1 band2
Band 3 college 0, 100 40.4 49.1 band3
Only child 0, 100 50.3 50.0 only
Mainland China 0, 100 92.3 26.6 main