Table 2: Demographics of the participants.
The chi-square test was not performed due to containing zeros in a cell.
P=P value, *:P<0.05
Each parameter was compared in two groups: PHQ-9 < 4 (non-depression group) and PHQ-9 > 4 (depression group).
Parameter N=64 All PHQ-9 > 4
N= 12
PHQ-9 < 4
N= 52
Median (max-min)
Age of the father 33.0(19-55) 31(19-42) 34(25-55) 0.086
Partners’ age 32.5(19-43) 31.5(19-43) 33.5(25-43) 0.105
Partner's gestational week 34.0(30-40) 34(30-35) 33(30-40) 0.530
Working time (hours) 8.0(7-13) 10(7.5-13) 8(7.0-12) 0.330
MIBS-J 3(0-11) 3(1-7) 3(0-11) 0.312
PHQ-9 1(0-10) 7(6-10) 1(0-4) 0.000*
N (%) P
First time baby
Yes 33(51.6) 6(50.0) 27(51.9) 1.000
No 31(48.4) 6(50.0) 25(48.1)
Family structure
Nuclear families 60(93.8) 12(100.0) 48(92.3) -
Extended families 4(6.3) 0(0) 4(7.7)
Employment status
Full-time 64(100) 12(100.0) 52(100.0) -
Part-time/none 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Yes 64(100) 12(100.0) 52(100.0) -
No 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
Unexpecting pregnancy
Yes 7(10.9) 2(16.7) 5(9.6) 0.607
No 57(89.1) 10(83.3) 47(90.4)
Live together
Yes 61(95.3) 12(100.0) 49(94.2) -
No 3(4.7) 0(0) 3(5.8)
Economic anxiety(Subjective)
Yes 27(42.2) 6(50.0) 21(40.4) 0.747
No 37(57.8) 6(50.0) 31(59.6)
Health statusof child
Good 52(81.3) 7(58.3) 45(86.5) 0.039*
Poor 12(18.8) 5(41.7) 7(13.5)
Bereavement of the family members
Yes 6(9.4) 2(16.7) 4(7.7) 0.312
No 58(90.6) 10(83.3) 48(92.3)
Health problems(of himself)
Yes 2(3.1) 0(0) 2(3.8) -
No 62(96.9) 12(100.0) 50(96.2)
Health problems(of his partner)
Yes 4(6.3) 1(8.3) 3(5.8) 0.574
No 60(93.7) 11(91.7) 49(94.2)