Table 3: Factors associated with hospitalization (n=301).
SAH: subarachnoid hemorrhage, NPO: nil per os (nothing by mouth), TF: tube feeding.
All results are denoted as odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Higher odds ratios indicate a positive effect on hospitalization (decreased duration).
Variables Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
Sex: Male/ Female 0.91 (0.58-1.43)
Age (years) 1.06 (0.79-1.45)
Major diagnosis: SAH/cerebral hemorrhage/cerebral infarction 1.56 (1.10-2.22) 2.50 (1.52-4.17)
Home discharge yes/no 7.69 (4.17-14.29) 3.23 (1.47-7.14)
Resident acute stroke rehabilitation staffing yes/no 1.41 (0.88-2.22) 1.75 (0.96-3.23)
Family care yes/no 0.97 (0.51-1.85)
Number of days required to start rehabilitation 1.08 (1.00-1.16)
Number of days required to start oral intake 1.11 (1.07-1.16)
Number of nursing records per day 1.75 (1.23-2.50) 1.72 (1.10-2.70)
Number of rehabilitation records per day 1.07 (1.38-2.78) 1.59 (1.05-2.38)
Physical therapist intervention yes/no 20.00 (0.17-20.00)
Occupational therapist intervention yes/no 0.92 (0.56-1.52)
Speech and swallow therapist intervention yes/no 2.08 (1.33-3.33)
Japan Coma Scale score at the time of discharge 0/1/2/3/10/20/30/100/200 0.85 (0.78-0.92) 0.93 (0.86-0.99)
Dietary form: 3 NPO or TF/2 jelly-like food or less/ 1 start meal or more 0.33 (0.23-0.46)
Barthel Index scores at the time of discharge
Feeding: 0/5/10 2.70 (2.04-3.57)
Mobility on level surfaces: 0/5/10/15 2.00 (1.67-2.44)
Bowel control: 0/5/10 2.70 (2.04-3.45)
Bladder control: 0/5/10 2.78 (2.13-3.70) 1.79 (1.20-2.63)
Toilet use: 0/5/10 2.94 (2.27-4.00)
Dressing: 0/5/10 2.78 (2.13-3.70)
Stairs: 0/5/10 3.03 (2.33-4.17)
Transfers (bed to chair and back): 0/5/10/15 2.08 (1.72-2.56)
Grooming: 0/5 5.56 (3.33-9.09)
Bathing: 0/5 5.26 (3.23-9.09)