Table 3: Score distribution of the residents’ overall HRQoL and individual aspects of HRQoL (N=70).
Quality of Life Aspect M±SD Score Range Rank
Overall Quality of Life 60.20±15.52 29.24-96.19
strength 34.38±25.75 0-93.75 8
memory 83.47±17.38 28.57-100 2
emotion 66.87±20.33 27.78-100 3
communication 91.17±11.68 46.43-100 1
ADLs/IADL 59.82±21.31 27.50-100
mobility 49.56±27.54 11.11-100
hand function 41.71±34.10 0-100
participation 42.14±21.20 0-100