Table 2: Demographic and clinical characteristics of participants.
ALN: axillary lymph node, AC: adriamycin-cyclophosphamide, DTX: docetaxel, PTX: paclitaxel, CMF: cyclophospha midemethotrexate 5-fluorouracil, HER: trastuzumab.
Characteristics N(%)(n=32)
Gender Females 32(100 %)
Age, year 30–39 1(3.2 %)
40–49 9(28.1%)
50–59 9(28.1%)
60–69 9(28.1%)
70–79 3(9.3)
≥80 1(3.2 %)
Job status Not employed 20(62.5 %)
Part-time job 10(31.3 %)
Full-time job 2(6.2 %)
BMI, kg/m2 <22 7(21.9 %)
22–25 7(21.9 %)
≥25 18(56.2%)
Living conditions Living with family 21(65.6 %)
Living alone 11(34.4 %)
Stage IIA 9(28.1%)
IIB 7(21.9%)
IIIA 12(37.5%)
≥IIIB 4(12.5%)
Operation Method Breast-conserving surgery 24(75.0 %)
Mastectomy 8(25.0%)
ALNs dissection Yes 7(21.9%)
No 25(78.1 %)
Time since surgery, year (median, interquartile range) 1.7(1.2–2.7)
Hormonal therapy Yes(received ratio) 15(46.9%)
Radiotherapy Yes(received ratio) 19(59.4 %)
Chemotherapy Yes(received ratio) 32(100 %)
AC 9(28.1 %)
DTX 8(25.0%)
PTX 7(21.9 %)
CMF 6(18.8 %)
PTX+HER 2(6.2 %)