Table 1: Comparison between the 25 items of TCCNI and 23 items of PITCCN.
TCCNI: Technological Competency Caring in Nursing Instrument, PITCCN: Perceived Inventory of Technological competency of caring in nursing. The Q12, Q13, Q14, Q15, and Q22 were in Inverted scale in the PITCCN. Negatively worded items had inverted values.
1 Nursing, an important part of healthcare, focuses on human caring.
2 Technology assists nurses in knowing the “who” and “what” of persons. Q1 Nurses assess patient's condition from information acquired using technology. (Empirical knowing)
Q2 Nurses understand the condition of their patients based on information acquired from technology. (Empirical knowing)
3 The outcome of nursing is healing – saving lives and increasing a sense of self.
4 Nurses use unique techniques to care for patients. Q18 Nurses behave in ways to can gain the trust of patients. (Aesthetic knowing)
5 Caring is engaging in compassion, physical presence, comforting and respecting the whole person. Q11 Nurses encourage patients by caring emotionally.
Q15 Nurses encourage patients by touching their body.
6 Technology and caring help to build patient self-worth when used without bias.
7 Knowing the “what” and “who” about a patient means to appreciate the patient as more than his/her physical parts. Q10 Nurses know the whole patient. (Personal knowing)
8 Nursing is a unique field of knowledge, skills, and caring abilities.
9 Caring in nursing is listening to, doing with, and being with the patient.
10 Nurses need to balance the demands of using machine technologies competently with caring in nursing.
11 Caring means knowing the person’s physical self and his/her emotional conditions in a particular moment. Q7 Nurses empathize with what patients are experiencing. (Personal knowing)
12 Nurses must include patients in designing care plans to ensure accuracy and completeness of their care.
13 Technological competence is the proficient use of machines within a caring point of view.
14 Nurses must respect patients’ personal hopes and dreams, which may change from one moment to the next. Q20 Nurses support patients in order to fulfill patients’ hopes and desires. (Personal knowing)
15 Nurses need to practice nursing within a caring perspective in their assessment and interpretation of health care data. Q4 Nurses use knowledge of anatomy and physiology. (Empirical knowing)
Q5 Nurses use knowledge of latest clinical pharmacology. (Empirical knowing)
Q6 Nurses use knowledge of well-versed in the state-of-the-art of medical devices in their department. (Empirical knowing)
16 Nurses need to value patients as knowledgeable about their own selves and their care.
17 Nurses relate with their patients to create a shared sense of safety and security.
18 Competent nurses execute and follow up on tasks and emotions and use creativity in meeting/exceeding patient needs.
19 Knowing patients involves respecting the person as whole and complete in each moment. Q8 It is important for nurses to know what patients are most hoping now. (Personal knowing)
Q9 Nurses respect patients as unique individuals. (Personal knowing)
Q12 Even if patients lose their physical functions, nurses caring them with an unchanged attitude.
Q13 Nurses attempt to communicate with unconscious patients for the purpose of resuscitating them, intentionally. (Ethical knowing)
Q14 Nurses are required to respect the privacy of unconscious patients. (Ethical knowing)
20 The competent nurse anticipates patient needs while respecting all belief systems and focusing on patient healing.
21 Caring in nursing occurs in shared situations of teaching and learning between nurses, patients, and family members. Q21 Nurses practice like growing up as nurse. (Aesthetic knowing)
Q22 It is important for nurses to convey patients what nurses learned from nursing and to share with their patients. (Aesthetic knowing)
Q23 Nurses communicate their learned experiences of caring for patients with their colleagues and nursing students, and share with them. (Aesthetic knowing)
22 Caring in nursing serves to reduce vulnerability and other stresses/anxiety inherent in nurse-patient relationships.
23 Selfless commitment to patients’ needs, hopes, and dreams is caring.
24 As an expression of caring in nursing, technological competence is using many ways of knowing so that the nurse and the patient can know each other.
25 Nurses use technology and human touch together in order to relate to their patients with true presence and caring intentions.