Table 3: Correlation of the Autonomy Scale of Nurses (ASN) and the Quality of Nursing Care Questionnaire: For Nurses (QNCQ) to the Nursing Practice Rating Scale for Hospitalized Pregnant Women with TPL (NPRS-HTPL).
Note. N = 613. TPL= threatened preterm labor. ** p < .01.
Nursing Practice Rating Scale for Hospitalized Pregnant Women with Threatened Premature Labor
Total score Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5
Autonomy Scale of Nurses (n = 613) total score .540** .511** .445** .477** .457** .422**
1. Cognitive ability .559** .499* .462** .519** .472** .427**
2. Practical ability .474** .437** .413** .416** .396** .380**
3. Specific judgment ability .479** .426** .397** .430** .430** .381**
4. Abstract judgment ability .492** .484** .391** .421** .437** .385**
5. Autonomous judgment ability -.140** -.033 -.162** -.163** -.163** -.119**
Scale to Evaluate the Quality of Nursing Care (n = 613) total score .600** .470** .556** .559** .508** .461**
1. Care associated with treatment and testing and interpersonal relationships .540** .444** .503** .494** .462** .425**
2. Care related to environmental adjustments and rest .562** .436** .510** .518** .477** .424**
3. Care to alleviate patient anxiety .507** .375** .497** .503** .427** .344**
4. Care related to hygiene and excretion .538** .396** .488** .505** .466** .423**
5. Care related to activity and diet .522** .408** .485** .487** .408** .415**