Table 5: The correlation between rooming-in during hospitalization, nutrition methods and burden of childcare at one month postpartum.
Chi square test.
During hospitalization
At one month postpartum
Rooming-in Without rooming-in p-value
Nutrition method (414) Exclusive breastfeeding (238) 74.7 (162) 38.6 (76) <.01
Mixed feeding & bottle feeding (171) 24.4 (53) 59.9 (118)
Unknown (5) 0.9 (2) 1.5 (3)
Burden of childcare-total average of 8 scale item-(274) Not really feel burden of childcare mean < 9.7 (143) 60.3 (76) 46.2 (67) <.05
Really feel burden of childcare mean ≥ 9.7 (95) 29.4(37) 38.6(58)
Unknown (36) 10.3 (14) 15.2 (22)