Table 2: Hospital Death, Length of Stay and Total Charge.
Alzheimer’ Disease Status (AD vs. No AD)
Unadjusted Analysis Adjusted Analysis
Logistic Model Odds 95% C.I. P Odds 95% C.I. P
Hospital Death 1.163 1.074 1.259 0.0002 1.151 1.062 1.248 0.0006
GLM Model Beta SE T P Beta SE T P
Length of Stay 0.496 0.065 7.650 <.0001 0.533 0.065 8.150 <.0001
Total Charge -3144.98 586.24 -5.360 <.0001 -2415.43 578.51 -4.180 <.0001
Unadjusted and Adjusted Association of Outcomes and Alzheimer’s Disease Status
Hospital Death: Model = Logistic Regression Analysis; Odds, 95% Confidence Interval; P-values
Length of Stay and Total Charge: Model = Generalized Linear Model; Estimate, Standard Error, T-value, P-value
AD = Alzheimer’s Disease; Participants are matched by Age, Gender and Race;