Table 1: Comparisons of experience of detecting errors by individual characteristics (N=1861).
aUnmarked or missing data were not included in the analysis.
*Z test.
Detect an error
Own self Others
Variablea n % n % P* n % P*
Gender Male 172 9.3 140 81.4 0.063 145 84.3 1.000
Female 1670 90.7 1287 77.1 1404 84.1
Age ≤37 938 51.6 750 80.0 0.029 784 83.6 0.726
38≤ 865 48.4 647 74.8 733 84.7
Job Position Staff 1495 83.0 1164 77.9 0.254 1234 82.5 0.006
Manager 306 17.0 230 75.2 275 89.9
Night Shift Yes 1444 79.3 1140 78.9 0.003 1244 86.1 <0.001
No 376 20.7 271 72.1 283 75.3
Years of Nursing Experience ≤14 998 55.8 790 79.2 0.105 824 82.6 0.285
15≤ 790 44.2 595 75.3 677 85.7
Experience of Participating in a Medical Safety Course Yes 1506 82.1 1166 77.4 0.704 1287 85.5 0.002
No 328 17.9 251 76.5 255 77.7
Experience as a Safety Committee Member Yes 505 27.6 393 77.8 0.757 448 88.7 0.003
No 1327 72.4 1023 77.1 1089 82.1
Experience of a Medical Accident Yes 243 13.1 209 86.0 <0.001 212 87.2 0.078
No 1617 86.9 1231 76.1 1352 83.6