Table 1: Differences between traditional science and human science.
Traditional Science Context Nursing Human Science for Caring
Normative Ipsative
Reductionistic Transactional
Mechanistic Metaphysical; Humanistic-contextual
Method centered Phenomena centered
Disease centered on Person-experience centered
Pathology-physiology, the physical body Human responses to illness and personal meanings of human condition
Ethics of ‘science’ Human-social ethics- morality
More quantitative More qualitative
Absolutes, givens, laws Relativism, probabilism
Human as object Human as subject
Objective experiences Subjective-intersubjective experiences
Facts Experience, meaning
Nomothetic Idiographic +/ nomethic
Concrete-observable Abstract- may or may not “be seen”
Analytical Dialectical, philosophical, metaphysical
Science as product Science as creative process of discovery
Human = sum of parts ex.(bio-psycho-socio-culturalspiritual-being) Human = mind/body/spirit gestalt of whole being (not only more than sum of parts, but different)
‘Real’ is that which is measurable, observable, and knowable ‘Real’ is abstract, largely subjective as well as objective, but is may or may not ever be fully known, observable, fully measured, what is ‘real’ holds mystery and unknowns yet to be discovered