Table 4: Comparison of categories based on the number of operating beds, and the number of outpatients.

Analysis method: Test for equality of variance, Welch’s one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA): Post hoc analysis was performed with of Games-Howell test. ***: p<0.001, SD= Standard Deviation, n.s.: not significant.

F1: Educational system, F2: Reputation at hospitals, F3: Support system for acquisition of certificate of clinical nurse specialist/certified nurse, F4: Reputation at hospitals as places of employment, F5: Knowledge of nursing philosophy and of culture of working places, F6: Reputation of teaching for students’ clinical practice, F7: Working hours and leave privileges, F8: Salary and other allowances, F9: Support system for license acquisition.

Factors The number of operating beds The number of outpatient visits
a b c d a b c d
Less than 100 beds Between 100 and 199 beds Between 200 and 299 beds No less than 300 beds Less than 50 out patient visits Between 50 and 100 outpatient visits Between 100 and 150 outpatient visits No less than 150 outpatiens visits
n 15 89 66 64 69 96 34 35
F1 Mean 2.410 2.610 3.186 3.612 2.516 3.137 3.521 3.298
±SD 0.700 1.045 1.001 0.875 1.151 0.914 0.773 1.109
F-value 15.850 9.977
p-value *** ***
a<c, d b<c, d a<b, c, d
F2 Mean 3.367 3.402 3.402 3.504 3.326 3.430 3.544 3.507
±SD 0.462 0.561 0.476 0.507 0.504 0.505 0.517 0.554
F-value 0.663 1.760
p-value n.s. n.s.
F3 Mean 1.867 1.727 2.268 2.609 1.643 2.170 2.412 2.705
±SD 1.356 1.203 1.308 1.373 1.298 1.279 1.054 1.508
F-value 6.300 6.155
p-value *** ***
b<c, d a<c, d
F4 Mean 2.000 2.438 2.985 3.152 2.341 2.844 3.103 3.021
±SD 1.150 1.037 0.898 0.905 1.169 0.912 0.791 1.033
F-value 10.972 6.430
p-value *** ***
a<c, d b<c, d a<b, c, d
F5 Mean 3.433 3.396 3.633 3.758 3.413 3.552 3.868 3.600
±SD 0.530 0.735 0.742 0.769 0.772 0.736 0.619 0.777
F-value 3.377 2.920
p-value n.s. n.s.
F6 Mean 1.178 1.955 3.207 3.734 1.812 2.993 3.235 3.429
±SD 1.603 1.980 1.703 1.368 1.999 1.713 1.748 1.837
F-value 18.858 9.061
p-value *** ***
a<c, d b<c, d a<b, c, d
F7 Mean 3.850 3.899 4.061 4.148 4.036 3.987 4.147 3.886
±SD 0.625 0.686 0.619 0.668 0.720 0.593 0.616 0.773
F-value 2.209 0.965
p-value n.s. n.s.
F8 Mean 2.578 2.689 2.864 3.005 2.763 2.788 2.833 2.990
±SD 0.684 0.662 0.608 0.583 0.679 0.618 0.721 0.521
F-value 3.997 1.094
p-value n.s. n.s.
F9 Mean 2.111 2.704 3.490 3.594 2.937 3.115 3.529 3.171
±SD 1.833 1.505 1.228 1.305 1.647 1.468 1.048 1.456
F-value 9.169 1.243
p-value *** n.s.
a<d b<c, d