Table 4: Issues of FASD and Alcohol Exposure.
Stage of Life Considerations
Women in reproductive years
Women in the reproductive years who might be pregnant or planning a pregnancy should avoid alcohol. If you are pregnant and drinking – Stop - seek help if you can’t stop drinking on your own. Be truthful with your healthcare provider so you can get the help you and your baby need.
Breast Feeding
Exposure to alcohol while breastfeeding does not cause FASD, but can interfere with a child’s normal growth and development
Birth – Adolescence
FASD can exhibit effects throughout childhood and have lifelong consequences. Early and effective help offers the best options to children who were exposed to alcohol during pregnancy. Seek out health advice, early diagnosis, and treatment from your healthcare provider.
Seniors and families
Family members drinking around a pregnant woman cannot cause FASD (including the father), but behaviors that support and encourage women to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy are most helpful.
Assist pregnant women who cannot stop drinking by seeking help, alerting the healthcare provider, and offering support.