Table 1: Examples from the content analysis.
Meaning unit Condensed meaning unit Subcategory Category
I can return home when I am able to be a mother, a grandmother, a wife and can sit in my living room and enjoy a good cup of coffee or maybe a glass of wine (12). Describes feeling better when able to be what the homely social roles and daily life requires. Noticing signs of feeling better Ready for discharge
I have a special nurse, nurse B, at home and we have regular contact. She comes to me and she knows my family, my serious complaints and my critical psychotic illness. (…) She was the one who asked the local mental health ward for an open door and free bed for me. (..) I can go there, anytime I need to. This has saved me (1). Describes the importance of the special nurse’s care to cope with the severe mental illness, also in critical phases. Being confident in the ability of living home