Table 2: Process of disabled children obtaining abilities in care management and social living.
* E, J, H, grad. denote respectively "elementary school period", "junior high school period", "high school period", and "graduation".
Categories Subcategories Period
Difficulties of receiving assistance from non-parent caregivers Stress and anxiety arising from unfamiliarity
Difficulties of asking for assistance
Distress arising from asking for assistance
Hesitation and fear towards certain workers
Dislikes towards certain workers
E - J
E - J
E - J
Getting to know the worker(s) they can trust Enjoyable rapport with workers
Workers' relaxing demeanors
Willingness to use the facility again
Workers' support on studies and life learning
Choosing the facilities with trusted workers
mainly J
E - mainly J
J - H
Making friends for life Place of friendly interactions outside school
Developing the sense of solidarity
Interacting with ingenuities, accepting differences of disabilities
Making long-term friends
E - J
E - J
H - Current
Choosing caregivers Choosing workers from whom to ask for assistance
Asking for assistance based on own observations on what is needed for themselves
Can also consider the caregivers' standpoints
J - H
Interacting with their seniors with the same disabilities and building hopes for their own future Opportunities to interact with slightly older people who are aiming to become
independent regardless of their disabilities
Coming up with future targets
H - post grad.

Opportunities to continue training for independence Using respite care for training purposes
Managing life plans by themselves using respite care
Able to act according to their own judgment
Post H grad. - current