Table 2: Patients details with activities.
Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4 Patient 5 Patient 6

- individual perception of the disease
-difficult to adhere to treatment
- childhood experiences
- seeing the doctor

- religious influence on perception of the disease
- adherence to treatment
- doctor-patient relationship

- containment in daily life
- feeling diseased by experience of new symptoms
- blame
- does not want to see the doctor

- change in illness perception because of serious disease
- the need for being in control
- adverse coping strategy
- anxiety

- from healthy to heart patient
- the need for being in control
- feeling of powerlessness
- no recognition of the family history
- seeing the doctor

- being of old age
-being reminded of the disease

Perception of illness: Four quotes
Awareness of disease: One quotation
Seeing the doctor: Two quotes
Following the doctor´s instruction: Two quotes