Table 1: The prevalence of obesity among children with intellectual disabilities according to sex.
Boys Girls P-value OR 95% CI
No. % No. %
Obese 40 25.8 16 21.1 0.51 1.30 0.68–2.52
Non-obese 115 74.2 60 78.9 1.00
Obesity according to developmental stage
6–8 years old
Obese 8 50.0 0 0.0
Non-obese 8 50.0 6 100.0
9–11 years old
Obese 3 16.7 2 25.0
Non-obese 18 83.3 8 75.0
12–14 years old
Obese 9 26.5 4 26.7
Non-obese 34 73.5 15 73.3
15–17 years old
Obese 20 36.4 10 32.3
Non-obese 55 63.6 31 67.7
OR: odds ratio, CI: confidence interval.
P-value was calculatedusing the χ2 test
Obesity was defined as a Rohrer index that was greater than, or equal to, the 95th percentile of the Japanese standardized sex-specific growth chart.