Table 4: Correlations between each scale score between the PNJSS supplemental version and JSS and SRS.
Note;*P<.05, **P<.01
F1: Difficulty of foreseeing the future of psychiatric patients
F2: Physical environment of the Psychiatric ward
F3: Medical accident of psychiatric patients
PNJSS supplemental version
The Brief Job stress Questionnarie F1 F2 F3 PNJSS supplemental version total
Job stressor scale
Quantitative overload -.005 .042 .318** .162**
Mental demand -.016 .013 .315** .138*
Physical workload .049 .268** .187** .264**
Job control .077 .094 .137* .154**
Utilization of techniques .092 .182** -.071 .122*
Interpersonal relations .131* .189** .015 .184**
Work environment .189** .563** .055 .450**
Fit to the job .125* .174** .039 .183**
Reward of work .090 .144* -.039 .113*
JSS total .130* .293** .273** .357**
Stress Reaction Scale
Lack of vigour .135* .232** .114* .254**
Irritability .163** .310** .164** .336**
Fatigue .153** .204** .222** .295**
Anxiety .054 .113 .312** .230**
Depressed mood .074 .197** .279** .276**
Somatic symptoms .104 .255** .167** .276**
SRS total .136* .283** .257** .348**