Table 1: Results of the Literature Search.
PubMed Search Satisfied inclusion criteria
CINAHL and MEDLINE Satisfied inclusion criteria
1. Maternal fetal attachment +mindfulness yoga = 2 articles 1. Maternal fetal attachment +mindfulness yoga = 2 articles
2. Maternal-fetal attachment +reproductive technology =2 articles 2. Maternal-fetal attachment +reproductive technology =0 articles
3. Maternal-fetal attachment +intervention =8 articles 3. Maternal-fetal attachment +intervention =3 articles
4. Prenatal attachment +mindfulness yoga = 1 article 4. Prenatal attachment +mindfulness yoga = 1 article
5. Prenatal attachment + intervention =5 articles 5. Prenatal attachment + intervention =1 article
6. Paternal attachment + reproductive technology = 4 articles 6. Paternal attachment + reproductive technology = 0 articles
7. Paternal attachment + intervention =2 articles 7. Paternal attachment + intervention =0 articles
Selected articles
1. Maternal fetal attachment +mindfulness yoga =2 articles
2. Maternal-fetal attachment +reproductive technology =1 articles
3. Maternal-fetal attachment +intervention =8 articles
4. Prenatal attachment +mindfulness yoga = 1 article
5. Prenatal attachment + intervention =5 article
6. Paternal attachment + reproductive technology = 0 article
7. Paternal attachment + intervention = 2 articles
Final selected articles